Welcome to Japan
While traveling around Japan, you may prefer to enjoy famous Japanese cuisine. It might be quite natural for travelers. Still, I strongly recommend you try some of the Japanese Bakeries. After traveling around countries in America, Canada …
When the weather is good and you can find either a park or cozy bench, you may go to the Department store. Find the food floor. KARAAGE - Fried chicken Soy sauce base Usually, there are big department stores around big terminal stations. T…
I can't forget the taste of Matcha while I had traveled to DAIGOJI (Daigo Temple) in Kyoto last year. Just drop by the small shop, and bought only one package. On the way back to town, I ate one of them and fell in love with this Matcha ca…
Looking for Japanese souvenirs?Why not trust native local Japanese recommendations? Meiji Macha ChocolateAround 280 to 320 yen at Local Supermarket. The other day I saw tourists buying souvenirs at Drug Stores. Yes, they did support Tax re…
明治神宮 秋の大祭 Autumn Grand Festival on 2019, AKI no TAISAI at Meiji Jingu I went to Meiji Jingu (Meiji Shrine) this morning. Arriving around 11:00, I surprised to find many foreigners. Tokyo truly became the city of tourism. Coincident…