Welcome to Japan

Welcome to Japan: Bakeries in Japan

While traveling around Japan, you may prefer to enjoy famous Japanese cuisine. It might be quite natural for travelers. Still, I strongly recommend you try some of the Japanese Bakeries. After traveling around countries in America, Canada …

Welcome to Japan: Real Japanese lunch box

When the weather is good and you can find either a park or cozy bench, you may go to the Department store. Find the food floor. KARAAGE - Fried chicken Soy sauce base Usually, there are big department stores around big terminal stations. T…

Welcome to Japan: Souvenir Matcha Candy in Kyoto

I can't forget the taste of Matcha while I had traveled to DAIGOJI (Daigo Temple) in Kyoto last year. Just drop by the small shop, and bought only one package. On the way back to town, I ate one of them and fell in love with this Matcha ca…

Welcome to Japan: Souvenir Matcha Chocolate

Looking for Japanese souvenirs?Why not trust native local Japanese recommendations? Meiji Macha ChocolateAround 280 to 320 yen at Local Supermarket. The other day I saw tourists buying souvenirs at Drug Stores. Yes, they did support Tax re…

明治神宮 秋の大祭: Meiji Jingu 2019

明治神宮 秋の大祭 Autumn Grand Festival on 2019, AKI no TAISAI at Meiji Jingu I went to Meiji Jingu (Meiji Shrine) this morning. Arriving around 11:00, I surprised to find many foreigners. Tokyo truly became the city of tourism. Coincident…