翻訳修行: 社会学入門 現在の日本を経済的に説明する英単語 Deindustrialization, Capital Flight

 Uopeople大学、Health Science の短大コースの、SOC1502のテストを終了しました。




High-Income Nations
The World Bank defines high-income nations as having a GNI of at least $12,276 per capita. It separates out the OECD (Organisation for Economic and Co-operative Development) countries, a group of 34 nations whose governments work together to promote economic growth and sustainability. According to the Work Bank (2011), in 2010, the average GNI of a high-income nation belonging to the OECD was $40,136 per capita; on average, 77 percent of the population in these nations was urban. Some of these countries include Canada, the United States, Germany, and the United Kingdom (World Bank 2011). In 2010, the average GNI of a high-income nation that did not belong to the OECD was $23,839 per capita and 83 percent was urban. Examples of these countries include Saudi Arabia and Qatar (World Bank 2011).

There are two major issues facing high-income countries: capital flight and deindustrialization. Capital flight refers to the movement (flight) of capital from one nation to another, as when General Motors, Ford, and Chrysler close Canadian factories in Ontario and open factories in Mexico. Deindustrialization, a related issue, occurs as a consequence of capital flight, as no new companies open to replace jobs lost to foreign nations. As expected, global companies move their industrial processes to the places where they can get the most production with the least cost, including the costs for building infrastructure, training workers, shipping goods, and, of course, paying employee wages. This means that as emerging economies create their own industrial zones, global companies see the opportunity for existing infrastructure and much lower costs. Those opportunities lead to businesses closing the factories that provide jobs to the middle-class within core nations and moving their industrial production to peripheral and semi-peripheral nations.

Capital flight  資本逃避とは、ゼネラルモーターズ、フォード、クライスラーオンタリオ州のカナダの工場を閉鎖し、メキシコの工場を開放するときのように、ある国から別の国への資本の移動(飛行)を指します。

Deindustrialization 産業空洞化 グローバル企業は、インフラストラクチャの構築、労働者のトレーニング、商品の出荷、そしてもちろん従業員の賃金の支払いなど、最小のコストで最大の生産を得ることができる場所に産業プロセスを移します。



5. In the past, Canada manufactured clothes. Many clothing corporations have shut down their Canadian factories and relocated to China. This is an example of ________________.


Capital flight


 Areas that once had vast economic growth and large amounts of industry, but are now suffering from the effects of outsourcing are going through a period of:




==  私見 ==

 現在、米中の対立が悪くなっているので、このDeindustrializationとCapital Flight は、今後変わっていくだろうと思っています。国が道を選ぶ時に、我々庶民も絶対に二度と焼き尽くされる事がないよう、時流を見続ける事がとても大事と思います。




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わんぐっどてぃんぐ: 第一部 戦中編 (恋愛小説 ファンタジー)

わんぐっどてぃんぐ: 第二部 帰郷編